(Sorry! At the time I didn't realize how bad the glare was!)
Mostly, this story will be told by pictures. Let me start off by saying I'm so glad that my friend Darrell wasn't there today. He would have gone bananas over the costumes and inaccurate some of them were.
Aren't stormtroopers suppose to have butt-bombs? Not here! And yes, this character was referred to as a Stormtrooper, not Sandtrooper. The handlers were dressed and Imperial officer. They liked my shirt.
Right after this photo was taken, I told the handler the troopers leg armor had come undone. It was quickly and secretly corrected.
So the party started with the geeks and nerds arriving early. They played at least ten different versions of the Imperial March and had light saber noises. There was trivia, all of which was easy. Except one question. Who taught Obi Wan the ways of the force?
A massive argument broke out over whether the answer was Yoda or Quigon. I just left the frey. It wasn't worth the beach towel.
Leia, Luke and Han were there but I didn't get a good picture with any of them. I was busy waiting in line for pizza, sodas, chips, and ice cream. Beyond the mingling there were also two very popular character lines I decided to wait in.
Explain this to me: it was a pool party but Leia did not wear the gold bikini. Odd. That's why I decided against her line in favor of Vader and Jedi Mickey.
Here's me with "Darth Vader"
Not only am I doing a more traditional Vader-ish pose, I'm slightly leaning forward. I know, I know. Vader doesn't lean forward. But my point is this: even though I'm tilting my head, I'm still just about as tall as Vader. Vader who is suppose to be like 7-feet tall, right? How tall was David Prowse?
So, I guess they didn't make him wear the uncomforatble lifts I wore when I played Vader at the Fanboys movie opening.
By the way, the blonde officer wasn't exactly ugly if you catch my meaning.
There was only one character that was sorta freely roaming. A Tusken Raider.
He was fairly popular himself. He would go through the other lines and sorta mingle around. Pretty fun guy. I did stop him long enough for a photo.
Awesome. I love this shot.
At some point, someone must have flipped a switch and suddenly it was a traditional college pool party. Tons and tons of people swarmed the pool and dance area. The characters stayed around, but in their little areas. The Tusken Raider continued to wander for a bit, but eventually he faded away as well.
Not exactly my cup of tea, so I decided to go ahead and split. I did see some interesting cars in the parking lot. Check out these two photos, both of the same vehicle.
And this car. I don't know if it actually works or not.
I also noticed an interesting signature in the sidewalk between complexes.
Let's see. Did I post everything? What am I forgeting?
Of course!
Me and Jedi Mickey.